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5 Unintentional Hurtful Phrases for Someone with OCD


OCD or Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is a mental health condition where people have recurring thoughts called obsessions that lead to repetitive behaviors called compulsions. These obsessions and compulsions can interfere with daily life and cause distress. It’s important to remember that OCD is a real medical condition and not just a quirk or preference. In such a condition there’s a lot of anxiety which makes a person repeat the same task over and over again without the need of it being done. One is aware their thoughts are irrational but they are not able to resist because if they stop, the feelings of panic will cause distress and discomfort. 

Wondering what OCD looks like ?

Let’s consider someone who has an obsession with cleanliness. As a result they experience intrusive thoughts such as their hands are dirty or something in their surroundings is dirty. To reduce their anxiety they engage themselves in compulsive action such as washing hands or repeatedly cleaning a particular object. The person who experiences this becomes obsessive and compulsion takes on their mental peace.

Symptoms of OCD include

  • Obsession 

Intrusive, unwanted thoughts and visions or urge to do something that causes distress. Examples could be fear of contamination, doubts about safety, etc. 

  • Compulsion 

Doing something repeatedly out of one’s obsession.  For example checking locks, counting objects. 

  • Rituals

Doing something on a daily basis to reduce stress and anxiety or to prevent a fearful situation as a part of superstitious beliefs. Rituals are often time and effort consuming.

  • Distress and Impairment

OCD causes a lot of stress in an individual because they are always obsessed with doing a particular thing and their mind is never free. It also hinders routine tasks and works that require a greater amount of attention.

Things Not to Say to Someone Suffering From OCD

  • “Just focus”: Saying this can make them feel like you don’t understand their struggle to concentrate, which is a core challenge of ADHD.
  • “You’re lazy”: This can be hurtful because it overlooks the fact that ADHD isn’t about laziness but rather difficulty with organization and motivation.
  • “Why can’t you be like everyone else?”: Comparing them to others can undermine their self-esteem and make them feel inadequate.
  • “Stop being so hyper”: It’s important to recognise that hyperactivity is a symptom of ADHD, and asking them to stop might not be helpful.
  • “You’re forgetful”: Forgetting things is common with ADHD, but pointing it out can make them feel ashamed or inadequate.

How to cure OCD ?

Yes, there are effective treatCognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). CBT helps individuals identify and challenge their obsessive thoughts and learn healthier ways to respond to themments for OCD! One of the most common and effective treatments is a type of therapy called . Another treatment option is medication, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) which increase the levels of serotonin and regulate mood and anxiety and can help reduce the symptoms of OCD. Sometimes a combination of therapy and medication is used for the best results. It’s important to consult with a mental health professional who can tailor the treatment to your specific needs. 

What to do if you or someone close to you suffers from OCD?

Increase your knowledge about OCD and challenge your thoughts. When obsessive thoughts arise, try questioning their validity and challenging their accuracy. Ask yourself if there is any evidence supporting these thoughts and consider alternative perspectives. To take your mind out of your obsessions and compulsion engage in routine tasks and reward yourself for successfully completing them. 


At an early stage if one is able to figure out OCD, self help strategies can be beneficial. But self-help strategies do not substitute therapy or professional help. It’s important to consult a mental health professional and get therapy and medication tailored for your needs. Professional help is necessary so that one’s mental peace is not destroyed because of their struggle with OCD. If not taken care, OCD interrupts one’s personal and professional life and hinder growth ultimately leading to distress. OCD also leads to disturbances in the family as the person who has OCD wants everything as per their needs and wants and anything that goes out of their way leads to disharmony.