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Breakups and Mental Health

Breakups and Mental Health

Breakups and Mental Health

We all have the need to be loved and wanted. Love and relationships in young adulthood makes one feel at the top of the world as in those years the hormonal rush is high. Entering in a relationship makes one feel they have got all that they want. But, one must always keep in mind that it is too early to think of forever. Expressions of love should not be prompt, first, make sure the other person is equally in love with you. Nothing lasts forever and we should not build a home in a person. These days there is a lot of mobility and instability which makes people break their own relationships and form new ones. 

Whenever someone close to us leaves, there’s a sudden shake in life. 

Breakup makes a person emotionally unstable in the initial phase. A person feels mixed emotions ranging from grief and sorrow to anger and resentment. The loss of intimacy, companionship and love can make one feel lonely and vulnerable. As human nature, we have a  lot of dreams and expectations from any relationship. But when it ends, dreams are shattered which makes one feel disheartened and disappointed. 

Let’s know how breakup can adversely affect your mental health.


Often in relationships, people become habitual and invested in just one person or their companion. Sharing of thoughts, feelings and insecurities revolve around just that one person. But when they happen to leave , for once and all it feels like the world is falling apart. Social media, outings and everything seem worthless because it was maybe just for the other person you used to get ready or feel happy with their approval.

Loss of Self-Esteem and Identity

When someone so close happens to leave, we don’t look for fault in them because of our deep love. We often question ourselves, was I not good enough? We doubt our own attractiveness, likability or desirability which leads to loss of Self-Esteem. Maybe, you were so happy to be associated with your partner that after the end of the relationship you feel lost and find it difficult to redefine yourself in an outside world. 

Loneliness and Isolation 

It’s common for individuals to detach themselves and disconnect from others when dealing with breakup. The absence of a romantic partner can instil feelings of loneliness, especially when thoughts of sharing moments of joy surpass. Even if you’re surrounded by friends and family, you just keep missing them and their presence. But to accept what happened and try to be happy with the ones who are there for you in this rough patch is really helpful. 

Anxiety and depression

Breakups often make a person anxious. Persistent sadness and emotional instability leads to depression. Since they had never thought of breaking apart, it creates a feeling of anxiousness about the future. 

How to cope with emotional turmoil after a breakup? 

Though it is challenging, it is not impossible. You can seek help from friends, family or a therapist who can offer empathy, validation and guidance. Self care activities such as engaging in a hobby exercise and meditation can uplift your mood and improve physical health. Take your time to process your emotions, acknowledge your feelings and there’s no harm in grieving for your loss. Once you have figured it out, just push yourself up and know that you deserve better. Focus on personal growth and self-discovery, embracing the opportunity to cultivate independence and resilience. 

Certain occurrences are inherently destined, while dwelling on what could have been and clinging to memories and emotions can detrimentally impact mental well-being. Embracing the art of letting go is pivotal, and immersing oneself in exploration of the world offers profound solace and healing.


Breakups are undeniably tough and harsh experiences that can have a long lasting impact on mental health. But always have an ardent faith in yourself that there’s nothing in life that you can’t overcome. Always have faith in yourself that you did the best of your ability. The other person left not because there was a fault in but because of their own situations. Healing takes time but, with patience, support, and self- compassion it is possible to come out of the darkness of a relationship and cherish the light of a new beginning.

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